Hypodermic Needles
Use a rigid, leak-proof, puncture resistant container with a tight fitting lid (bleach bottle, detergent bottle, coffee can). Dispose with your regular trash. For more information, call your local health department.
Burning Leaves
Ohio's laws prohibit burning leaves within 1000 feet of a neighbor's inhabited building when you are within a village or city, and OEPA must be notified. Outside municipal areas, the distance limitation is the same, but no OEPA notice is required.
Burning leaves is discouraged because it contributes to air pollution and wastes a valuable natural resource. The nutrients in the leaves can be reused in gardens and farm fields.
Made of steel or aluminum, these tanks can be recycled or disposed with your regular trash once the pressure has been released. The valve should be open and the tank marked "EMPTY". Follow the directions that came with the tank. Some haulers will not pick these up, so check with your hauler first. Rumpke and the Lancaster Transfer Station will take them once the pressure is released. Coshocton Recycling will take empty tanks as well. Legend Metals in Licking County will take the aluminum tanks but not steel.
Helium Tanks
The Lions Club Recycle for Sight program collects old eyeglasses that are reground and given to those in need throughout the world.
You can ship unwanted crayons to a company that melts them and makes new crayons - called Crazy Crayons!
Although you need to pay the shipping costs, this makes a great school or community project.
Find out more about this recycling program at: