Coshocton-Fairfield-Licking Perry Solid Waste District 675 Price Rd. Newark, OH 43055
Phone: 740-349-6308 Fax: 740-784-4203 Email: kim@cflpswd.org or kate@cflpswd.org
The meeting will be held at 9:00 AM, at the Licking County Transit Buidling, 745 E. Main St., in Newark. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct routine business including the election of officers.
The Solid Waste District is required to submit a report to the OEPA each year, demonstrating that we are increasing our recycling annually. For our report, we are required to list all recycling efforts and demonstrate that we are recycling more than in previous years. However, we can only count recycling that is reported to our office (no estimates).
As part of the process the District Office recently mailed a survey to Haulers, Recyclers, Municipalities, Townships, and Industries. These entities play a key role in our ability to meet the state mandates and and provide a high level of service to residents and businesses in our four counties. The survey is designed to gather the required information (what materials were recycled and how much of each material) without intruding upon proprietary information.
The District has asked that surveys be returned to our office by March 1, 2025, so that we have adequate time to compile all figures and then input them into the OEPA forms.
For those of you that received surveys, please feel free to call our office if you need help with the form or if you have any questions.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
The Policy Committee's next meeting is scheduled for February 28, 2025, 10:00 AM at the Licking County Transit Bldg, at 745 E. Main Street, Newark, OH. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct routine business including the election of officers and for members to select subcommittees they would like to serve on as part of the plan update.